I am currently a grade 10 student at SACS High School
My Subjects:
IT, Physics, Geography, Mathematics, English and Afrikaans
Clubs I am in, and my role in them: (and their level/status)
Multi-Media: Deputy Head, Equipment Engineer and Head of Lighting (Scroll)
Choir: 3rd year, Baritone (Scroll: Service)
Live-Streaming: Since founded: 2024, (Most hours)
Robotics: 2022-2023, Completed Advanced course
Sports I play, and my role in them: (and their level/status)
Rowing: I row in the third seat for the 1st VIII (First Team). I am also bisweptual, but prefer bow side.
Cross Country: U17
Rowing is my main sport, I use the off-season to train (Cross Country) and focus on academics and service to the school.